With great dispatch targets comes great responsibility


With great dispatch targets comes great responsibility. Wait, that’s not what Voltaire said. But that is exactly what an organization with a vision of matching global standards acknowledges and practices. eCheck is a technology enabler which conducts vehicle and driver safety inspections and helps it in realizing this vision.

Dispatch volumes define the top line, efficient logistics operations define the bottom line but the Golden Mean is achieved when the performance is incident free and compliant with global safety standards. The driver and truck are the most important links in the logistics operations and thus need special attention. Both of them need to be in the best possible condition right from their entry into the plant’s parking yard till the delivery of the consignment to the customer. The eCheck Application has been developed keeping this very thing in mind.

One application to monitor them all – record management system

The eCheck application digitally identifies vehicle and driver safety inspections and integrates seamlessly with the existing plant ERP. Every driver is registered in the database and is granted a unique identity in the form of an NFC card. The truck is also registered with all the necessary details.

During every trip at every entry checkpoint, the card is scanned using a mobile device and a digital checklist is filled taking into account parameters like driver fatigue, alcohol abuse, license validity, vehicle fitness, and documentation. The driver and the truck enter the plant based on the verdict of this checklist.

Thus, every driver, truck, and a trip is monitored and recorded. There is a 100% visibility of movement to the plant security, logistics and safety team. Manipulation and buck-passing are eliminated as accountability kicks in. Co-operation with local authorities is also made possible during investigations and audits. An earlier non-existent driver database is now available at the fingertips of the plant personnel.

You shall not pass – incident and violation management

The eCheck App provides the Security Team the option to fail and blacklist offenders for violations like over speeding, drunken driving, expired license, etc. The trucks can also be blocked or blacklisted for being unfit with respect to the physical condition or documentation.

Plant entry is restricted, undisciplined drivers and transporters are reigned in and incidents are subsequently prevented. An awareness of the importance of safety and process compliance is built, nurtured and sustained.

What develops is a proactive approach towards safety which arrests any potential deviation or non-compliant action at the source. The end result is a fully compliant and streamlined logistics process.

The crownless shall again be king – performance management and benefits

As a next step, the driver’s performance can be measured, analyzed and incentivized. The security team is also kept on its toes. Periodical plant movement data is available in the form of reports and dashboards. On the basis of the same, the best performing driver and transporter can be identified and rewarded. A healthy competition can be created to the mutual benefit of all stakeholders involved.

Manual registers can be done away with as there is a digital record of every plant entry made. The security team always has tasks which warrant better attention than making manual entries. The security team resources can thus be reassigned to that effect.

With a synergy of all the above benefits, a significant step towards fulfilling the organizational vision is taken by combining growth with safety and responsibility.

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