Taking plant dispatch efficiencies to the next level!


Production & dispatches are two critical elements in the manufacturing process. Matching the dispatch volumes with production is one big challenge plant logistics teams face regularly. Current logistics process within a plant involves a long list of time-consuming activities & manual ERP transactions that lead to low dispatch volumes. The Autoplant In-plant solution is designed to mitigate such complexities by leveraging the benefits of best technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) & Data Analytics.

The key to higher dispatch efficiency lies in turnaround time (TAT) of every truck within the plant. It is one of the most important KPIs of the logistics process. It represents the total time spent by a truck from its entry in the yard till its exit from the plant. Shorter turnaround time leads to higher no. of trucks loaded per day, which in turn improves the overall dispatch. Autoplant system leaves no stone unturned to help you achieve this goal.

Well-planned is half done – Getting the right truck, at the right place at the right time!

Identifying available orders & trucks for delivery is the first step in building a good dispatch plan. Orders flow automatically in the Autoplant system via integration with ERP, whereas RFID readers located at strategic points in the yard helps identify available trucks for loading. Each new truck undergoes a registration process where a unique RFID tag is installed permanently on its windshield.

State of the art – Automated Scheduling feature, then collaborates inputs from ERP, RFID readers within plant, transporters & other teams to create truck journey plans along with a calling sequence in no time. It plays a key role in streamlining communication & reducing manual efforts.

All information related to the trip is then displayed on digital screens for drivers. Continuous follow-ups & chaos at the yard are a thing of the past. Drivers now know

  • What is their sequence number?
  • How long do they have to wait for entry?
  • Which loading point they must visit? etc.

Movement of trucks now happens in a disciplined manner with no congestion. Thus, minimizing overall TAT.

Making the journey inside the plant a cakewalk – Simple, quick & paperless processes!

Autoplant system already has all the details needed for the journey, the key tasks now are:

  1. Track movement of trucks through various stages
  2. Optimize operations
  3. Share necessary information to teams at each stage

IOT comes into action here, connected devices placed at each stage capture & share data in real time. From saving entry/exit timestamps, automated weighments, verification of loaded quantity to automated updates in ERP systems takes care of everything. Hence, eliminating unnecessary manual intervention simultaneously saves time on each trip.

Last piece of the puzzle – Data analytics!

The differentiating element to gain an advantage in a competitive business environment is making good decisions based on accurate data. Autoplant analytics engine processes data gathered in the above steps to measure critical KPIs. It creates reports/ dashboards useful for teams & key decision makers.

Real-time reports help logistics teams improve operational efficiency. Postmortem & Predictive analytics using historical data helps managers identify various trends & make well informed strategic decisions.

This closes the loop, a great plan, optimized operations & effective decisions will get the dispatch volumes from your plant!

Looking to enhance your logistics operations?

Get in touch with us today

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