500,000+ tons dispatched DAILY, using Autoplant’s Logistics Excellence Platform Read more

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auction auction auction auction auction auction auction auction auction auction auction auction auction

Auction Platform Key Features


Live Bidding

Realtime bidding and order awarding. 


Automated Auctions

Automated auctions based on order size or location. 


Smooth Integration

Seamless integration with collaborative suite.


Targeted Auctions

Targeted auctioning as per serviceability of the location. 



Average reduction in Freight costs. 



manipulation of order allocation. 


Over orders are auctioned per year

Benefits of Auction

Supported features

Integrate the latest freights back to your ERP freight master.
Route based auctioning allows for contracts to be awarded for a route for a set period..
Completely anonymous auctioning process to reduce the chance of manipulated results down to 0..
Set Auto auction rules to enable seamless auction processes that do not need human intervention..

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Autoplant provides full IoT-enabled supply chain solutions, integrating machine learning, advanced analytics, and a connected ecosystem to manage your supply chain journey with efficiency.

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